LiveCaptureLiveCapture Virtual User GuideDownload PDF
The Omni view lets you enable the Device Management Server (DMS) for the appliance, Backup, and Restore options.
The DMS (Device Management Server) is the preferred way to manage and configure LiveAction appliances from the cloud. In order to enable the DMS for LiveCapture Virtual, enable the check box. When the DMS is enabled, configuration changes can still be made with the LiveAdmin utility, but changes made with the DMS will overwrite local changes. For instructions on how to register and manage devices from the DMS, please visit MyPeek.
Enable DMS: Select this check box to enable the DMS for LiveCapture Virtual to manage and configure LiveCapture Virtual from the cloud. See Using DMS to manage and configure LiveAction appliances.
NOTE: When DMS is enabled, you can make local changes to LiveCapture Virtual using the LiveAdmin utility; however, changes made with the DMS will overwrite any local changes made with the LiveAdmin utility.
Backup allows you to back up all the system data on LiveCapture Virtual to a back up file that you can restore at a later time.
Encrypt: Select this data to encrypt the system backup. You will need to enter a password that is required to restore the backup to LiveCapture Virtual.
Password: Type a password for the backup.
Confirm Password: Type the password again to confirm the password.
Backup: Click to start the backup.
Restore allows you to restore to LiveCapture Virtual a backup that was previously performed on LiveCapture Virtual. To perform a restore, you will need the backup file you want to restore and any password associated with the backup.
Application settings: Select this option to restore the appliance application settings and customizations.
Application and system settings: Select this option to restore the appliance, application settings, and customizations.
File: Click Browse to select the backup file you are restoring.
Password: Enter the password for the backup you are restoring.
Restore: Click to start the restore.